How much do you know about what’s in your credit report? Many people may be aware of their score, but their are components that affect your score. When you decide to ...
Key To Raising Your Credit Score Using Credit History
Believe it or not, credit history has a huge impact on your overall credit score. It comes in third place right after payment history and amount owed. As you can see ...
How Length Of Credit History Affects Your Score
The amount of time you’ve had credit makes a difference in your credit score. In fact, after payment history and amounts owed, length of credit history is the most i ...
3 Total Myths That Do Not Hurt Your Credit Score
There are several things that can hurt your credit score. Unpaid collection accounts, past due accounts, and short credit history are some of the few. But there are ...
What Really Affects Your FICO Score?
Ever wonder how your credit score is calculated? Although many companies are can gather your credit history and produce your credit score, there one major kind of cr ...
What Really Affects Your FICO Score?
Ever wonder how your credit score is calculated? Although many companies are can gather your credit history and produce your credit score, there one major kind of cr ...
Is Someone Using Your Child’s Credit?
Though they may be too young to have a credit score, parents should be proactive about checking their child’s credit report. Kids can easily become victims of identi ...
How to Build Credit When You’re Just Starting Out: Part 3
Building good credit when you’re just starting out doesn’t have to be a worry. All you need is a little patience along with some good strategies and before you know ...